Easy Breezy Wash Barn wants to offer a uniquely improved car wash to our community—something that others can’t match.
Our Express Tunnel Wash offers a better chance to transform first-time customers into loyal clients with an entirely new approach to tunnel car washing—in terms of both performance and perception. With nationally proven wash results, you’ll look forward to each return trip to the Wash Barn.
State-of-the-art Car Wash System
The SpinLite system is unlike any other in terms of cleaning power and customer experience—it’s truly different and truly effective. You’ll know this when you experience your fun and relaxing trips through the wash tunnel.
The Easy Breezy Wash Barn alleviates the anxieties caused by the speed and noises that traditional drive through car washes
produce. Pleasant sounds and slower-spinning wheels put drivers at ease, which is sure to please even the most
scrutinizing customer.
Every time your shiny vehicle exits, we know you’ll anticipate your next trip to the Wash Barn. It’s a better way to wash.